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Open tracks

HERE you can find the official website of the Valley Val Casies-Monguelfo-Tesido / Gsieser Tal-Welsberg-Taisten!

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Nordic Hero Champ Sesto - Nordic Arena
Nordic Hero Champ - for athletes 90 km in 2 days 1) Sesto, S. Vito - end of the Fiscalina Valley - Dobbiaco - right to Lake Dürrensee, on the way ...
Length: 47.9 km
Difference in height: 98 m
Location: Sesto - Nordic Arena
Cross Country Track Val Casies Valley: S.Maddalena-Mühlweg
S.Maddalena - Ackerle (possibility for a short circular route) - Mühlweg (connection to S.Martino or circular route back to S.Maddalena)
The slope is prepared
Length: 3.1 km
Difference in height: 90 m
Location: Val Casies Valley / S. Maddalena
Cross Country Track Val Casies Valley: Connection Oberplanken-Preindl-S. Martino
Connection from Oberplanken via Preindl to S. Martino to the Cross Country Track Val Casies Valley.
The slope is prepared
Length: 4.9 km
Difference in height: 57 m
Location: Val Casies Valley
«12» 11 items on 2 pages, displayed items 9-11
The indicated total sum of km of the individual areas is composed of the km of all cross-country ski runs listed hereunder.Due to round tracks and ski run overlappings some double-counting might occur, whereby the total sum of km will increase.
Those runs which are prepared for skating or classic cross-country skiing, won´t be double-counted.   