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Open tracks

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Track "Ferrovia" B - From Rifugio Ospitale to Passo Cimabanche (rtn)
Open 3 km return route starting from Cimabanche towards Ospitale (updated 13/03/2025). Km. 7 Rifugio Ospitale to Cimabanche for classic and skating ...
Length: 7.0 km
Location: Cortina d'Ampezzo
Track "Passo Tre Croci" parziale km. 8
Classic and skating techniques, double track. 8 km in Passo Tre Croci
Length: 8.0 km
Location: Cortina d'Ampezzo
Übungsloipe St. Jakob
The practice slope is an easy circular course and is therefore ideal for beginnerst and for families, but also very well suited to expert ...
Length: 0.7 km
Location: St. Jakob
Val Scura
The Val Scura track, with its 7,5 km length and 270 m of altitude, is ideal for demanding cross-country skiers. Its long ascents and breathtaking ...
The slope is prepared
Length: 7.5 km
Location: S. Cristina Val Gardena
Vedl Verzon
Vedl Verzon is a challenging track with a dynamic profile, suitable for experienced cross-country skiers. After a first steep ascent, the track ...
Length: 3.3 km
Location: S. Cristina Val Gardena
Wolfsbühl cross-country trail
This easy loop-route leads out from the Cross-Country Centre in Ritsch and heads north over the vast Alpine meadows. With the Langkofel and the ...
Length: 8.9 km
Location: Seiser Alm
03 Cross country stadium Toblach/Dobbiaco FISI - Ole
Demanding round-trip tours starting at the cross-country stadium in Toblach/Dobbiaco, often used as training tracks by various national cross-country ...
Length: 4.2 km
Location: Dobbiaco
05 Cross country stadium Toblach/Dobbiaco FISI - Saskia
Demanding round-trip tours starting at the cross-country stadium in Toblach/Dobbiaco, often used as training tracks by various national cross-country ...
Length: 5.4 km
Location: Dobbiaco
«45678910111213» 180 items on 23 pages, displayed items 57-64
The indicated total sum of km of the individual areas is composed of the km of all cross-country ski runs listed hereunder.Due to round tracks and ski run overlappings some double-counting might occur, whereby the total sum of km will increase.
Those runs which are prepared for skating or classic cross-country skiing, won´t be double-counted.   
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