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Open tracks

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26 Sun tack Toblach/Dobbiaco - Aufkirchen/Santa Maria
Cross-country ski enjoyment on the cross country track from Toblac/Dobbiacoh till Aufkirchen/Santa Maria.
Length: 2.3 km
Difference in height: 84 m
Location: Dobbiaco
26 Sun track Toblach/Dobbiaco - Niederdorf/Villabassa
Cross-country ski enjoyment on the cross country track from Toblach/Dobbiaco till Niederdorf/Villabassa.
Length: 1.3 km
Difference in height: 7 m
Location: Dobbiaco
27 A Villabassa - Cross-country Olympia
Starting and ending point: Camping Olympia or railroad station Niederdorf/Villabassa and back, 1154m length 5 km difference in altitude
Length: 1.0 km
Difference in height: 3 m
Location: Villabassa / Niederdorf
27 B Villabassa - Pian di Maia / Maistatt Cross-country
Starting and ending point: railroad station Niederdorf/Villabassa (Camping Olympia) and back, 1154m length 7,5 km difference in altitude 86m
Length: 1.7 km
Difference in height: 7 m
Location: Villabassa / Niederdorf
31 Niederdorf/Villabassa - from Niederdorf/Villabassa train station to Welsberg/Monguelfo
Cross-country trail in the shade to Welsberg/Monguelfo. start: Niederdorf/Villabassa train station km 2,8 direction Prags/Valle di Braies; km 5,5 ...
The slope is prepared
Length: 6.0 km
Difference in height: 69 m
Location: Villabassa / Niederdorf
32 Villabassa - Marathon from Niederdorf/Villabassa train station to Prags/Braies
Cross-country Pustertaler Marathon - Niederdorf/Villabassa-Prags/Braies  Magnificent sunny cross-country trail into the Prags/Valle di Braies valley ...
The slope is prepared
Length: 4.4 km
Difference in height: 61 m
Location: Villabassa / Niederdorf
33A Säge/Segheria - circle - Untergasse
The access to the cross country ski trail begins at the "Säge/Segheria" bus stop and continues with a circle to the sport field and to Untergasse. ...
Length: 3.7 km
Location: Untergasse - Segheria
34 Bodner - Mösslhof
You can find the entrance to the cross country ski trail on the right side of the Tuscherhof inn. You keep going straight ahead until you come to the ...

cross-country track "Untergasse" - Lago di Braies

Length: 2.0 km
Difference in height: 106 m
Location: Braies Valley
«78910111213141516» 180 items on 23 pages, displayed items 81-88
The indicated total sum of km of the individual areas is composed of the km of all cross-country ski runs listed hereunder.Due to round tracks and ski run overlappings some double-counting might occur, whereby the total sum of km will increase.
Those runs which are prepared for skating or classic cross-country skiing, won´t be double-counted.   
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